Visitation Rights

Friday, December 17, 2010

A Message to The Newbies...

Welcome one, welcome all!

First and foremost, let me start off by explaining my purpose for this bloggin’. I have decided to indulge in the spices of life and take a trip. Yep, leaving town, getting’ the hell out of dodge. And if you think, for one moment that I am going to spend my time emailing every one of my family members one-by-one to inform them I am still alive, you are wrong! Dead wrong! So, I have become technologically advanced and decided to teach myself to blog. After all, everyone’s doing it and I always jumped off the bridge (grimaced face, shakes head).

What you are about the experience is a personal experiment to share my thoughts, ideas, and/or past and future adventures. The stories you will read on this blog could be anything from a third-grade tale of whimsy, to how much I am enjoying this bran muffin right now.

Bottom Line: I'm going to spend my parent’s hard-earned money on writing a blog since I never became a novelist or high school English teacher like they always dreamed I would. Sorry, Mom and Dad.

Lastly, I will ‘preface’ this by including that all things told on this blog are factual, unless otherwise noted. You are advised to read at your own risk, for my stories of past negligence may not make me look like an upstanding member of society.

Dear Family, my apologies. Love, Megan.

Things to Notice:

I’m not someone who is going to take credit for other people’s writing or witty remarks. Therefore, I intend on letting everyone know from the get-go that some of my comments and words just might be, how shall I say this, reminiscent of comments you have heard elsewhere in society or popular culture. Hey, I can’t help it! When an exciting new jubilee of words hits my ear drum, I share! And by the way, you all can thank me for combining them in a user-friendly, one-stop shop of fun, exciting combinations that just might make you look smarter to all your friends.

Things to Read:

I’m leaving this blog pretty open ended. It’s going to be basically a portal into synaptic flashes within this glorious mother board I call my brain. If I feel like sharing a story, guess what? I’m going to do it. If the ladies I work with put too much coffee in the maker and I get all jacked on caffeine at 8 a.m., guess what? I’m going to write about it. If you are pissing me off today, guess what? You’re going to hear about it. So, you know, just a little F.Y.I. on what’s the happs in my world.


Rule Number 1: Anything goes. If I know you, do NOT be surprised if you read something about yourself. Even though this is my writing, I will not be held accountable for any of the stupid shit you have done in your life. I just want to write about it.

Rule Number 2: News Flash! This is my blog. If you write something to try and steal my spotlight, you’re dead. If you don’t like something I wrote about, it’s a free country, write back. But don’t expect to see it there for long if you choose to be disrespectful. Haters can hit the road, I’m not interested. Unless you want to tell me how great/funny/talented/awesome I am, don’t bother writing anything at all.

Rule Number 3: You better not get all serious and stuff on me! A sense of humor is essential if you decide to read. Just because I compare two things, like elephant guns and Sarah Palin, don’t get all up in my blog. No one is forcing you to read this. And do you know what else? If you don’t like it, there’s a little red box with an “X” at the top right corner of your browser. If you click on it, I promise it will all go away. Poof! I’m magical.

Enjoy! Or don't, I don't care...

: )

1 comment:

  1. it sure sounds like you Megan no sugar coating
